Home Companies. Babylon Agriscience Ltd. (BASL)

Babylon Agriscience Ltd.

Babylon Agriscience Ltd. started its journey in 2012.


  • Location: Kandiboilarpur, Horindhora, Hemayetpur, Savar, Dhaka.
  • Floor Area: 26,000 Sq. Ft.
  • Products: Crop Protection, Seed, Aquaculture.

Babylon Agriscience Ltd., one of Babylon Group's dream projects, has been in business since 2012, featuring primary competences in agriculture, livestock, and fisheries. Therefore, specializing in the seed, crop protection, plant-health management, non-agricultural pest control, and fisheries management industries.

To meet the needs of farmers & cultivators to guarantee a safe ration for everyone, we have extensively skilled employees and distributors working for us across the nation. In addition, Babylon Agriscience built a new repackaging facility for agrochemicals to solve difficulties with environmental and public safety.